

Whole essential oils vs. whole plant infusions

flowers plants

When it comes to ingredients one question often comes up: What’s the difference between whole essential oils and whole plant infusions? It’s easy to get lost in the terminology, especially with so many options claiming to be the best for your skin. 

So, let’s break down these terms and explore how whole essential oils and whole plant infusions—two approaches we cherish—differ and complement each other in your skincare ritual. Each brings its own unique qualities to the table, catering to different skin needs and intentions.

Whole Essential Oils vs. Whole Plant InfusionsLeft to right: variety of essential oils; steam distillation process of German chamomile

Whole Essential Oils: The Potent Powerhouses

Our steam distilled essential oils are the volatile, fat-soluble compounds from within the plant. They are powerful, active, and extremely concentrated. It takes two thousand pounds of lavender to make one litre of lavender essential oil. Whole essential oils are superior to aromatic isolates because they retain the full spectrum of the plants therapeutic compounds. By choosing whole essential oils instead of aromatic isolates we choose therapy over convenience. Through whole essential oils we experience the truth of the earth. Each harvest the earth presents a unique offering, always with a slightly different scent profile than the last. We embrace this truth – these oils reflect the land they come from, and the seasons they’ve experienced.

We respect the potency of these oils and use them in minuscule, precise amounts, achieving a harmonious balance that enhances skin health over time.


Microdosed Potency: In our formulations, essential oils are carefully microdosed. This practice ensures that the oils deliver their therapeutic benefits without overwhelming the skin or body. By respecting the potency of these oils and using them in minuscule, precise amounts, we achieve a harmonious balance that enhances skin health over time.

Targeted Action: Essential oils can be chosen for their specific properties. For example, tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial effects, making it ideal for acne-prone skin, while rose oil is celebrated for its ability to nourish mature skin.

Aromatic Experience: The scent of an essential oil is not just a sensory delight but also offers emotional and psychological benefits. The uplifting fragrance of lavender or the grounding aroma of frankincense can enhance the overall skincare experience, making it therapeutic for both mind and body.

Whole Essential Oils vs. Whole Plant InfusionsLeft to right: frankincense resin infusing in jojoba oil; frankincense resin

Whole Plant Infusions: It’s all about synergy

Whole plant infusions, on the other hand, are a more subtle yet deeply nourishing way to harness the healing power of plants. Infusions involve soaking the whole plant material—leaves, flowers, roots and resins—in a carrier oil, water, or alcohol over a period of time, allowing the plant’s beneficial compounds to gently permeate the medium. 

The true magic of whole plant infusions lies in the concept of synergy. Synergy refers to the idea that the combined effects of a plant’s compounds can be greater than the sum of their individual parts. When you infuse the whole plant, you are not isolating one single active ingredient but rather allowing all of the plant’s constituents to work together, creating a harmonious blend that can nourish and support the skin in a more holistic way.


Synergistic Nutrition: Whole plant infusions provide a broad spectrum of nutrients that work together synergistically. This means that the vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients in the plant interact with each other, enhancing their individual effects and offering a more balanced, comprehensive approach to skincare.

Balanced: Whole plant infusions provide a broader spectrum of nutrients. They contain a range of  beneficial compounds like tannins, flavonoids, and mucilage that contribute to skin health.

Gentle Care: Infusions are inherently gentle, making them suitable for all skin types, including the most sensitive. They offer a slow-release, nourishing effect that supports the skin’s natural processes.


Finding Balance

At evanhealy, we often blend these two approaches. We incorporate whole essential oils in some of our creations, whole plant infusions in others, and in certain formulations, we blend both.

In the holistic approach that we embrace, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Instead, it’s about understanding the needs of your skin and your intentions behind the products you choose.

As you continue your journey in skincare, consider the wisdom of the plants themselves. They teach us that true beauty comes from harmony—between the potent and the gentle, the immediate and the gradual, the physical and the emotional. Whether you choose essential oils, plant infusions, or a combination of both, let your skincare ritual be a reflection of this harmony, bringing you closer to the natural world and to your own radiant self.


Explore whole plant infusions

plant infusions


Explore whole essential oils

Whole essential oils



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