The skin breathes.

It has a rhythm, an inhalation and an exhalation.

It is made up of literally millions of tiny dermal passages regulating the inward movement of air, fluid, heat and light. In healthy skin, these passages are unobstructed, and each breath activates the absorption of nutritive substances and stimulates vital functions of a restorative nature. Unlike other products, evanhealy does not use synthetics that coat or cover the skin interfering with its own natural functions.

Skin is the messenger.

It's a diagnostic tool. It communicates the inner workings of our bodies. Through it we see systemic heat, digestive, hormonal and nervous system imbalances. Not only is it a mirror of our inner world, it’s also a mirror of our outer world – a reflection of the soil, the skin of the Earth. Both skin and soil have three layers and a protective top layer. Each is home to a rich microbiome, and each exchanges nutrients and gasses with the outside world.

Skin's protective barrier.

Your skin creates a delicate, slightly acidic layer called the hydrolipid barrier—a blend of oils (lipids) and perspiration (water). This living, protective barrier defends against environmental stressors, maintains hydration and moisture balance, and supports detoxification and renewal. Modern skincare often disrupts this essential barrier with harsh cleansers, exfoliants, and synthetic treatments. Instead, we turn to the wisdom of the plant kingdom using botanical oils and plant waters to mimic, recreate and reestablish a healthy hydrolipid barrier for the skin.

Oil, water & clay.

For millennia, our ancestors have used three simple elements to care for and beautify the skin: hydrating plant hydrosols, nourishing oils, and mineral-rich clays. These foundational ingredients work support the skin’s own strategy for hydration, purification, and defense.

With daily use of oil serums and hydrosols, and weekly use of a clay mask, you build a deeper relationship with your skin. You notice its subtle shifts. You begin to understand what it’s asking for. And over time, you learn to trust your skin—because it has always known exactly what it needs.

  • Supporting the skin's protective barrier.

    Skin is a rich ecosystem, constantly changing and adapting to its internal and external environment. We believe in the underlying philosophy that the less you interfere with your skin’s own ability to achieve balance, the better.

  • Your skincare is only as vital as the land and people it comes from.

    Soil love is skin love. Healthy soil fosters healthy plants, which in turn nurture healthy skin. Regenerative organic farming focuses on soil teeming with life—microbes, fungi, and other organisms that work together to enhance plant vitality.

  • Occlusives, Emollients and Humectant Moisturizers:

    What’s the difference and how do we use them? Uplifting, clarifying and protective, Frankincense is a powerful botanical ally with a rich history. Used as a spiritual tool, entwined with meditation and ritual for centuries, it is a time honored medicine and treasure, however, not many know that it is a dream ingredient for the skin.

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