A Moment With Robin Elise Pieterse
We are continually drawn to those who find beauty in the rhythm of the natural world–those who cultivate a deep relationship with the land, the seasons and the magic woven into everyday life. This is why we are honored to introduce Robin Elise Pieterse, an artist whose dreamy, nature-inspired work invites us to slow down and reconnect with the world around us.
Robin’s paintings capture the quiet poetry of the changing light, the seasons and the nostalgia of childhood.
1. Tell us about yourself.
Well, first of all, I’m a wife and a mother of three little children, which is intense and joyful in equal measure. I grew up in a city by the coast and have always been drawing pictures ever since I can remember. I couldn’t really find my way in art school, but graduated in fine art, and before I committed to my art full time, I worked as a baker, a cook, and a designer! I still love to cook and bake, and always want to be using my hands. Whether it’s knitting, sewing, crafting, or decorating, I just can’t sit still and feel the most happy when I am creating something. I would love to read more, learn about herbalism, get some chickens, and dream of owning our own little cottage someday!

2. Do you have a garden and plant herbs? We love seeing these elements in your art!
Just before the pandemic, we moved from the big city to a small town in the east of the Netherlands. I spent a lot of time at my grandmother’s beautifully thatched cottage when I was young—riding horses, playing in the forest, learning all the names of my grandmother’s plants and flowers that she so lovingly tended to in her garden. That part of my childhood really took root within me and made me feel more and more uneasy in the city. When we became parents, this urge became much stronger, so we left our city life behind and moved to a quieter area in the Netherlands. We are just renting a family home in a village for now, but it has a little garden that we experiment with! I grow veggies and herbs, with varying amounts of success (hello slugs, the Netherlands is a wet country!), but I find it really makes me happy to grow our tiny bit of veggies and herbs!
3. What inspires you most?
I think the overarching inspiration that I get all points back to those long school holidays at my grandparents. Something about childhood can feel so magical, and as we grow up, we can feel like we lose the ability to experience life in that magical way, so I try to catch glimpses of it and get it on paper. Those glimpses of my childhood are now intertwined with my own personal experience as a mother, and the feeling of wanting them to experience that magic, too. When I was young, I went to Waldorf school, and my children now do too. I think a lot of the beautiful Waldorf aesthetic and way of life has also seeped into my work.
4. How does the natural world, particularly the landscapes of the Netherlands, influence your work?
The Netherlands is very small, and the population quite large, which means much of the nature has been replaced by buildings or farmland. I think I can speak for most Dutch people when I say that we miss true, wild, untouched nature. Luckily, the place where we live now is less crowded and filled with beautiful oak-lined roads, sleepy historic farmhouses, lots of meandering rivers, and beautiful old towns (our town has been around for 830 years!). Lots of the local landscape and cottages have made it into my paintings, and they continue to inspire me as I discover more of the area.
5. Could you describe your creative process? Do you have any daily rituals or practices that help you connect with your art?
I learned that as a mother of small children, my creative process is mostly dictated by the family rhythm. This is sometimes hard to navigate, as I am needed so much during the day. I have found ways to create little pockets of time to dedicate to my art and creativity, and although sometimes I wish I could work more, I have to remind myself that although it might be a cliché: the days are long, but the years are short. I want to spend time with my family while the children are so young. After all, so much of my work is inspired by my life with them—it’s the most important thing to me! They help me connect to my art, and my art wouldn’t be what it is if it wasn’t for them.

6. How does your art invite viewers to slow down or reflect, much like skincare rituals encourage mindfulness?
I feel like the world has become so complex that it has become increasingly harder to enjoy the present, the simplicity of small daily, almost mundane moments. And I think the reason I paint these scenes is because I want to remind myself of the beauty of a simpler life. To remind myself that I don’t have to run around and get stuff done all the time, tackling every task like a to-do list, or getting pulled into my phone, looking at other people’s beautiful lives and missing the magic that is happening right in front of my eyes. I hope I get to transfer that feeling a little to people who view my art as well!
7. How do you think creativity and self-care intersect in your life?
Well, that’s honestly a rather funny thing to think about, because I have to make sure I do not let my painting practice take away from my self-care. In one way, it’s the most enjoyable thing, to be sitting at my desk, painting the hours away, but I tend to forget that I even have a body and neglect it by forgetting to eat and drink, slumping over my paints. I guess my practice is a really mindful and relaxing process, and truly nourishing for the mind and spirit, but I do think it would help if I took more breaks and took better care of myself when I’m deep into creation mode. Something to work on in 2025!
8. How do you feel that connecting to the seasons through art creates meaning for people?
The way our bodies move in synergy with the seasons is really interesting to me, and I’m learning more and more about ways to respect the way my body reacts to them, like I respect the ebb and flow of the seasons around me. I love surrounding myself with seasonal art and switching things around on our nature table. I think it’s a really lovely way to honor the seasons and be more present in the now. I read somewhere that there is a basic principle in Chinese medicine that says: “The forces that move the outside world also move the world inside us,” and I think when we surround ourselves with art that celebrates the seasons, we can feel more in touch with our natural rhythm.
9. How do you incorporate sustainability into your art?
Sustainability is a big topic, and I find it extremely important to not burden the earth with unnecessary waste. I print most of my products together with a Cradle to Cradle certified family business here in the area, that uses a waterless printing technique with biodegradable inks. Of course, there are always ways to do better, and we are learning as we go, but it’s so important to me, and always will be!